Cargo Advisor : (CA) representative of the consignee, responsible for overseeing the COW, optimising the time spent at port, and the product recovery.
Crude oil washing : (COW) procedure for washing the crude oil residue from the ship’s tanks when unloading a vessel, in order to recover as much cargo as possible.
EBIS : European Barge Inspection Scheme.
Marine surveyor : person who carries out inspections, assessments and diagnostics on ships, barges, ports and terminals in order to evaluate and report on their condition or suitability.
Maritime training : see section on “training”.
IMO : International Maritime Organisation.
ISGINTT : International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals.
ISGOTT : International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals.
Loading Master : representative of the shipper/consignee, responsible for the aspects of the ship/shore interface relating to the technical and commercial elements of the transfer.
Loss control : efforts to reduce product and time losses in commercial tanker operations.
Marine Superintendant : representative of the shipper/consignee in charge of overseeing and coordinating commercial operations.
MARPOL : Maritime Pollution convention.
Navires citernes : ship designed to carry bulk liquid.
RPM : Règlement des Ports Maritime (French Port Regulations)
Ship shore safety check list : (SSSCL) control check-list required to authorise the start of bulk liquid transfer operations to or from a tanker.
SOLAS : Safety Of Life At Sea convention.
SSE maritime : Health, Safety, and Environmental protection relating to shipping.
TSO : (Terminal Safety Officer) representative of the shipper/consignee, responsible for the safety aspects of transfer operations within the ship/shore interface.
Transbordement : the transfer of bulk liquid from tanker to tanker.