

Port and terminal audit : an inspection of the management and the operating conditions at ports and terminals, carried out in order to check compliance to international standards. The audit may be combined with assistance to reach compliance.

Cargo Advisor :
(CA) representative of the consignee, responsible for overseeing the COW, optimising the time spent at port, and the product recovery.

Crude oil washing : (COW) procedure for washing the crude oil residue from the ship’s tanks when unloading a vessel, in order to recover as much cargo as possible.

EBIS : European Barge Inspection Scheme.

Marine surveyor : person who carries out inspections, assessments and diagnostics on ships, barges, ports and terminals in order to evaluate and report on their condition or suitability.

Maritime training : see section on “training”.

IMO : International Maritime Organisation.

ISGINTT : International Safety Guide for Inland Navigation Tank-barges and Terminals.

ISGOTT : International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals.

Loading Master : representative of the shipper/consignee, responsible for the aspects of the ship/shore interface relating to the technical and commercial elements of the transfer.

Loss control : efforts to reduce product and time losses in commercial tanker operations.

Marine Superintendant : representative of the shipper/consignee in charge of overseeing and coordinating commercial operations.

MARPOL : Maritime Pollution convention.

Navires citernes : ship designed to carry bulk liquid.

RPM : Règlement des Ports Maritime (French Port Regulations)

Ship shore safety check list : (SSSCL) control check-list required to authorise the start of bulk liquid transfer operations to or from a tanker.

SOLAS : Safety Of Life At Sea convention.

SSE maritime : Health, Safety, and Environmental protection relating to shipping.

TSO : (Terminal Safety Officer) representative of the shipper/consignee, responsible for the safety aspects of transfer operations within the ship/shore interface.

Transbordement : the transfer of bulk liquid from tanker to tanker.
